Charcoal Burner

Russula cyanoxantha

10th October 2017, Joydens Wood
Growing through grass near to beech tree. A few scattered around. Cap 4cm, stem very short. Hardly any smell, perhaps fruity. Old decrepit ones smelt of fish. Very mild taste. I think these were young, as the stems were still quite short. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint Whitish. Spores 6.5-7.5µ x 5-6.5µ.

18th September 2015, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing under beech. Two. Cap 9-10cm. No smell. ID is very likely. Sporeprint white. Spores 6.5-9.5µ x 5.5-7.5µ.

6th September 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing in grass near beech tree. Two or three. Cap 8-9cm. No smell. Mild taste with no heat. Cap half peeling. Found these in the same place and date as last year. ID is best guess. Sporeprint Pure white. Spores 5.5-7µ x 4.5-5.5µ.

7th September 2013, Ladywell Fields near Catford
Close to large beech. Photo seems to show cross-connections between the gills. Cross-connections between gills is not a characteristic of the Charcoal Burner but I still think this id is more likely. ID is best guess.
